Do spiders see?

Hedy Sanchez
2 min readJun 10, 2021

Honestly, I am conflicted. The question: to see or not to see? As I was having a normal work day, you know, a work shift from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M., I found myself having a rather odd conversation with my manager. The conversation started over me asking a simple question: do fuzzy bees have stingers? The answer would have been rather simplified if I had just googled it myself, but no. My manager then proceeds to answer the yes or no question. As the conversation proceeds into now praising bees and their vital role on this rock, we transition into other insects. Like how moths are just colorless butterflies, and are equally as beautiful, or how wasps are just cruel and have a granted death if stumbled upon my manager. As we move onto larger species, we had now started to converse about the topic of spiders. Don’t get me wrong, spiders are so cool. I mean they protect plants by eating little ravenous pests, and make intricate art from a strong string that derives from their butt, okay maybe not exactly their butt, but you get the point. After ranting how cools these little creatures are, a thought popped into my mind. These nocturnal animals really mean no harm to us humans, yet some tend to have an immense fear. Is it their small legs? Their small body? Or those eyes? Who knows, but the thought of them being able to see, or not, was now a topic question in which my manager and I did not really see “eye to eye”. The question: do spiders see? Was more or less a let’s-see-what-he-has-to-say type question, since the answer was so obvious. Spiders do not see. But, as a respectful worker I am, I sat in awe and somewhat confusion on my manager’s research. You see, my answer was driven by a comic artist and youtuber, TheOdd1sOut, as he mentioned in a video how spiders are nearly blind and can’t see much since they are NOCTURNAL animals. But, as someone who does not want to be wrong, my manager kept insiting on his answer. I mean, he even pulled out the structure of the spiders eye. But, then a wave of wonder struct to me. Could we percieve vision differently? My head started to hurt so I stopped thinkng about all the possible ways he could outsmart me. The answer was so clear to me and I was not going to back down from this battle. But, as the battle was reaching it’s climax…the job I signed up for was now calling out for me. If it wasn’t for adulting, I would probably have written a 4 to 5 points worth College Board research paper on how spider cannot see. I will stand by that, unless Bill Nye wants to explain otherwise, I will simply not stand down. As I near this experience, it is currently 3:10 A.M., I would like to end it saying this, was the moon landing real?



Hedy Sanchez

Short stories, theories, short poems, opinion based.